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Tadel Perevod Na Russkiy

Tādēļ Russian Translation and Meaning

Understand the Meaning of "Tādēļ"

The Latvian word "tādēļ" has several meanings in Russian:

Main Meanings

  • потому
  • поэтому
  • поскольку

Additional Meanings

  • благо
  • ведь
  • понеже

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of how "tādēļ" is used in sentences:

  • "Tādēļ es nevarēju iet uz darbu." (Therefore, I couldn't go to work.)
  • "Tādēļ mēs devāmies uz veikalu." (Therefore, we went to the store.)
  • "Tādēļ es izvēlējos šo grāmatu." (That's why I chose this book.)


"Tādēļ" is a versatile Latvian word that can be used to express a variety of meanings in Russian, from "because" to "therefore." By understanding its various translations and usage examples, you can effectively communicate your ideas in both languages.
